Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why I am the luckiest woman ever!

The last post about our anniversary was lacking a little in its sentiment and I just want to pay tribute to my wonderful husband and let everyone know why I am so lucky he married me! Here are just a couple of reasons why I think he is so wonderful! (yes I know this may be bragging but what else are blogs good for if not to brag about your blessings!)

He is a very hard worker
He values education
He likes to hike and rock climb and camp and kayak and raft and... well he just enjoys being outdoors as much as I doHe is a really great friendHe cares enough to explain things I don't understand(that happens a lot!!)
He is a very nice person that people like
He married me in the templeHe has a great love for the scriptures and the gospel
He took me to EuropeHe has wonderful goals and aspirations
He supports me in my crazy projects and hobbies
He dances

He shows me he cares
He helps around the house...A LOT!

He is a wonderful Father

He takes care of the cars (when he is not taking them apart...)
He makes friends easily
He has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh
He likes to have fun
He loves to read
He takes care of our familyAnd He is really cute!

Phil I love you with all my heart, I am so grateful that you choose me and that we will be together for ever! Thank you for being so wonderful, Happy Anniversary!


Short'NBald said...

Oh, that is so sweet! Yup, I think a tear just popped out...I couldn't control it one bit! ;)

PS: This is really sweet.

Britni said...

He got seem like a good guy... tag you're it :)

Susan said...

Well, I know Phil is nice but the part I agree whole heartedly is the cute part. He is cute!! Hope you are doing well guys. I need to stop by and see you. I am so embarrased!