My Nephew Raymond was being blessed in California and I had the week off from watching little Ryan so I decided to venture to California with the girls to see my parents and spend some time with my brother and his family. It was a really fun week for me and I think Madison enjoyed herself very much also. The only part I would have changed was flying alone, that was not so fun at least not on the way home when Madison had had enough and was just tired, but it was worth it in the end!
These are well over due also but I do want to make an account of it because it was such a fun trip. In Madison and Samantha were wonderful on the plane ride out, Madison found various was to entertain herself...
Samantha took a nap on the floor under our feet! I don't think the flight attendants like it very much, but it was nice to not have to hold her for the whole time she gets very sweaty and she is 15lbs!
Baby Ray and Baby Samantha ready to go to the Aquarium. Madison and Mya had a blast together the whole week.

The reason we went out! Little baby Ray! So sweet and so little... well not anymore but he was when we went out!

Maya and Madison watching the fish at the Aquarium.

Nana teaching Madison about roses.

Madison playing crack the egg with Papa.

The beach was Madison's very favorite part she loves the water.

Take 1

Take 2
This was actually very funny Mya was not happy about something and was letting us know that, when I pulled out the camera to snap a picture , as soon as she saw the camera the tantrum was no longer important enough to keep her from smiling! If you notice she didn't even have enough time to unclench her fists! :)

She went straight for the water and even when her teeth were chattering she refused to get out of the water.

My brother with his wife and their whole family.

Cute family... Travis Jen Mya and Ray

I thought this was a sweet picture!

Papa with Madison and Cousin Mya!

Being at my mom and dads house really made me want a backyard! Most of the time we were there Madison just ran around in the yard, jumped on the tramp, and played on the swing set!
These are all adorable photos Em! I love the ones of Madison and Mya together. They look like great friends. I also love all the ones you took of the baby blessing. You are a great photographer!
It was so fun having you guys out here! Thanks for all of the pictures you took. You capture such great moments! Can't wait to see you in August!
Yay for updates!!
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