I know I haven't posted in a long time and I will make up for some of that but first this just happened today and it was pretty cute so I thought I would share!

There have been a few posts on peoples blogs including my families about what your kids do when they are quite or when you walk out of the room for one minute. Well this happened when I was sitting next to Madison she was behind the couch so I couldn't really see her but you figure if you are that close you would notice something like this. Nope I didn't notice till she had them ALL out of the box. Since there was nothing I could do I thought I would share the cuteness that is Madison on Video!
So... Cute. Liz hopkins showed me it on at work.
Actully it is a cheap toy. I'll have to remeber it when I'm babysitting.
Love ya,
Madison is just adorable! I really wish we lived closer! Miss you...Love, Jen
She is so cute. Holy cow. I can't believe she's talking and waving. She's getting so big. Can't wait to see you guys. Miss you tons,
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