New Bedtime Routine???
Does anyone have any suggestions for bedtime for an unwilling 2 1/2 year old? She used to go to bed just fine would just sit in her crib and talk if she wasn't tired yet. Well not so much anymore, she fights it almost every step of the bedtime routine which makes me wonder why we do it at all. She is still in a crib, she doesn't climb out yet and I wanted to keep her in there as long as that was the case. However I am beginning to wonder if she would fight it less if she was in a bed... any thoughts?
Locked bedroom door...Madison has developed a strong aversion to Ryan recently. Everything he does seems to bother her. So what do you do with two toddlers that wont get along? Well my solution... Lock them in separate rooms!
Oh the ease of being young!
We have been trying to get out every week on Fridays and one thing I noticed with everywhere we go Madison seems to make new friends. It is so sweet to see these little kids just decided "OK, it would be fun to play with you so lets hold hands and play together now!" I know this is nothing new but it just amazes me every time how they have no reservations and just do it! I wish I could have that kind of courage more often.
Chubbers... and getting chubbier...
Samantha had her two month check up this week.
Gotta love the chub!
Friday Night Bowling...
Phil was going to be gone all day Saturday so we decided to take a little family date and go bowling.
Phil's adventure race...
Phil was invited to do an adventure race with a friend this Saturday. He can tell you better than I can what it involved but basically it was ONE HOUR of plotting points on a map and FIVE HOURS of following your own points to get to the pre placed flags and answering the riddle attached to each one. I made Phil promise to take at least one picture so here is his ONE picture.
love, loved you post. I was looking forward to it all day. I kept checking. I am also always amazed at the children being able to make friends. My dad was like that his whole life, a great trait to emulate.
So if Phil had to take one picture on Saturday where is the picture you of you cleaning the house!!! :)
~Tana of State of VonTana
1. Peter went through a horrid nap/bedtime phase... I just pushed through and eventually (a few months, sorry!) he got back into going to bed without the drama. Peter actually wanted to sleep in his crib even after we got him his bed for a while... now he loves his bed... so I don't know if that would help.
2. Love the pics! Call me when you're off on your adventures and we can tag along. I have not been to a museum in DC for a long, long time!
Oh my HECK, Em, I turn my back for 5 seconds and there's like a mecca of posts over here! Your girls are darling darling darling. Seriously. And I love the pictures you took with your new camera. That picture of Sue and Samantha laughing is priceless. Love you and I'm glad things are going well!
Sounds like your last couple of weeks have been very eventful. That is funny that Madison is taking such a leadership role. It's interesting to see how their personalities change. Samantha sure has grown. She is going to be the same size as Kylee in another month or so.
Love the updates and pictures. The picture of Madison peaking out the door is so cute. I think it is awesome that she needs some alone time...don't we all. Now, I think the real trick is how do you lock yourself in your room with all the kids some where else? :)
I love that you are posting so much! I have no parenting advice because I have no idea what I'm doing myself. I can only hope that I can handle 2 as well as you are!
Love you!
We're so sad we missed it! Samantha looks gorgeous...the antique dress idea is so so so neat!!! How cool to see your mom, you, and her all in the same dress!
Happy Anniversary, and have a blast at Brian Reagan!!! We LOVE that man! :)
Wow!!!! I can't believe how big Madison is. In my head she's still a baby! That's crazy. Congratulations on the new baby. That is so exciting. Wish we could be there to meet her. We miss you guys. We really should've hung out more. It's good to see that everything is going good for you guys.
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