Now that Madison can stand up on stuff this is her new way of watching TV! If its a show she likes, for example Baby Einstein as pictured here, she crawls right over to the TV and stands just at the base of it to watch, its pretty cute.
And this is the other new discovery she has found but not quite mastered, climbing through the base of the rocking chair. I mean how could you resist it just looks like so much fun. The first time she did it she made it all the way through no problem, then on subsequent attempts she got stuck half way and she didn't thnik that was very fun.

Is it bad that I find this pretty funny?
I don't think it's bad as long as you don't laugh too hard when she gets stuck!
looks pretty funny to me : )
If you hadn't have told me I would have thought she was doing push ups.
i think you and i have the same sence of humor cuz i think thats really funny! just like the thing w/ mom too!! lol :)
That is so funny. Don't worry I would sit there and laugh too if it were my child. How could you not? Madison is so adorable. I don't think there is girls night again tomorrow night so I can watch her again for you if you want. I seriously don't mind. She is such a sweetheart. Even when she cries she is just so cute. Let me know.
Actually I guess we are going to have girls night, but it's going to be at my house so Madison would fit right in. It's your choice. I seriously don't mind watching her, but I understand if you want someone else to watch her.
I think this confirms that you me and Elly are sisters because I think its pretty funny too :)
Love ya.
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