So today Tiffany introduced us to a new park in the area she referred to it as " The Pit" it most likely got the nick name from the fact that the play area is surrounded by hills creating a "pit" like appearance.

For those of you who have not been introduced to this park its really a great place they just have all kinds of toys all over the park like little cars and stuff, as you can see in the pictures, this is in addition to the swings and sandbox and other traditional playground equipment.

It was a lot of fun and Madison got to practice her walking too, no she is not actually walking yet but it sure looks like it in this video.
Looks fun, where is it at?
how fun! where is that park, i have never heard of it?
What a cute kid!!!! must be related to me!!! Love Papa
Is she always happy? I don't think I've ever seen a pic where she doesn't have that amazing smile!
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